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USCF is the acronym for the ‘‘University Students' Christian Fellowship”. This fellowship in Secondary School and College in Tanzania is known as “UKWATA” SAUT is the acronym for “Saint Augustine University of Tanzania” USCF-SAUT is formed by students who come from churches which under Christian Council of Tanzania (C.C.T) that comprises the following churches: CCT CHURCH MEMBERS
1. Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT)
2. Anglican Church Tanzania (ACT)
3. Moravian Church of Tanzania (MCT)
4. Africa Inland Church Tanzania (AICT)
5. Mennonite Church in Tanzania (MCT)
6. Baptist Church in Tanzania (BCT)
7. Salvation Army
8. Presbyterian of East Africa (PEA)
9. Bible Church Tanzania
10. African Brotherhood Church
11. Church of God in Tanzania
12. Evangelistic Church of Mbalizi.
USCF-SAUT was begun at SAUT in 2005 with 3 members. It is founded to proclaim Christ within and outside the university. Up to now 2015 USCF-SAUT have a total of 600 Members.
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